路易斯 W 海因
Lewis W. Hine

  出生于威斯康辛州,他曾在芝加哥和纽约大学学习社会学,并成为一名教师,然后就以摄影作为媒体表现他对社会的关注。我们可以看到海因当时童工照片,并且根据当时的历史分类 还附有大量详尽的文字描述,这些分类包括:“美国的童工”、“今日的童工”、“制造厂”、“报童”、“矿工”、“工厂”、“鱼类加工工人”、“水果采摘者”、“纪小的推销员”、“各种打杂工”、“艰苦度日的家庭”、“消遣和堕落”、“群像”等。第一幅照片下面都有详尽的时间、地点、人物年龄以及生存状况的介绍,连同极富视觉冲击的照片一起构成相当强大的纪实力量。

  Photographer Lewis W. Hine (1874-1940) was born in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He studied sociology at Chicago and New York universities, becoming a teacher, then took up photography as a means of expressing his social concerns.

  His first photo essay featured Ellis Island immigrants. In 1908, Hine left his teaching position for a full-time job as an investigative photographer for the National Child Labor Committee, which was then conducting a major campaign against the exploitation of American children.

  From 1908 to 1912, Hine took his camera across America to photograph children as young as three years old working for long hours, often under dangerous conditions, in factories, mines, and fields. Hine was an immensely talented photographer who viewed his young subjects with the eye of a humanitarian.

  In 1909, he published the first of many photo essays depicting working children at risk. In these photographs, the essence of wasted youth is apparent in the sorrowful and even angry faces of his subjects. Some of his images, such as the young girl in the mill glimpsing out the window, are among the most famous photographs ever taken.

  During World War I, he documented the plight of refugees for the American Red Cross. He later documented the construction of the Empire State building in 1930-1931 and even hung upside down from a crane to photograph workmen.













(c) 《摄影比赛在中国》 2000-2001 制作