艾瑟 布波莱
Esther Bubley


  美国女摄影家艾瑟 布波莱(1921—1998)最知名的是在20世纪40年代的战争纪实摄影。然而这仅仅只是一个开始。在她刑期的声名卓著的事业中,她参与了一些重要杂志的指派任务的拍摄,这些杂志包括《生活》、《观察》以及《女性家庭朋刊》等。她同时接受一些大公司的指派,其拍摄足迹遍及世界各地。尽管艾瑟 布波莱并不喜欢推销自己的作品,但还是赢得了许多重要奖项。1954年,她成为《摄影杂志》第一位赢得第一名的女性;1991年,明尼亚波利艺术和设计学院以及明尼苏达州大学授予她荣誉博士头衔。她的作品不断地在美国各地展出。尤其令人感兴趣的是,她所使用的照相机不计其数。在她长达50年的摄影生涯中,使用过罗莱、徕卡、康泰克斯、尼康等众多品牌的相机,在她去世前 所使用的相机是:尼康N70和35mm—105mm的变焦镜头。

  Award-winning photojournalist Esther Bubley is recognized for both her artistic composition and her superb story telling ability. Bubley's career in documentary photography and photojournalism was launched in 1942 when Roy Stryker hired her to work in his dark room at the Office of War Information (OWI), where his famed Farm Security Administration (FSA) photographic project had recently been transferred. In 1944, Bubley followed Stryker to Standard Oil (New Jersey)(SONJ) where he was charged with compiling a photographic library. Bubley was a freelancer
for Standard Oil for the rest of the 1940s and 1950s. She
simultaneously developed a thriving career separate from Stryker, working for a variety of clients -- including Life, the Ladies' Home Journal, the Children's Bureau, Pepsi-Cola International, Pan American World Airways, and UNICEF -- who sent her on assignments throughout the continental United States and around the world.













(c) 《摄影比赛在中国》 2000-2001 制作