安妮 戈德斯
Anne Geddes


  安妮 戈德斯在1956年9月出生于澳大利亚的昆士兰。完全是自学摄影,时间跨越15年。在全家前往新西兰后,她在奥克兰的郊外建立了第一座专业摄影实验室。安妮的照片出现在许多国际性出版物中,包括《时代》、《生活》杂志,以及《人物》、《摄影地区新闻》、《美国专业摄影家》等杂志,还有欧洲和东南亚的许多杂志上。安妮还在许多电视和广播的热点栏目中作为嘉宾出现。在1996年的美国,安尼的作品集《在花园里降落》成为排名第一的礼品书,并在纽约《时代》的畅销书排行榜上排第3,持续12周,并重新在1997年3月回到排行榜,排第13。同时在洛杉矶的《时代》畅销书排行榜上排名第2。《在花园里降落》11次印刷,制作的挂历、贺卡和相关产品销往50多个国家。

  Anne Geddes is one of the most respected and successful professional photographers in the world. Her award-winning photographs of babies are visual representations of her deeply held belief that we must protect, nurture, and love all children. First released in New Zealand and Australia, they have become classic icons celebrating birth and life that now grace a range of bestselling books, calendars, greeting cards, stationery, photo albums, and many other fine products. The Anne Geddes brand is universally respected and loved; her work is published in 77 countries spanning North America, Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South America, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. A two-time New York Times bestselling author, Anne's books have sold more than 15 million copies worldwide and have been translated into 20 languages: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, and Spanish. Her website, annegeddes.com, attracts more than 3.5 million unique visitors per year from more than 200 countries.














(c) 《摄影比赛在中国》 2000-2001 制作