Srdjan Ilic,
Yugoslavia, Associated Press
A Serb Policeman Offers Water to an Ethnic Albanian, Glodjane, Kosovo
Children's Award 1999

Srdjan Ilic,
Yugoslavia, Associated Press
Serbian Police and Ethnic Albanians Rioters Clash, Pristina, Kosovo
3rd prize Spot News Stories

Mike Stocker,
USA, The Sun-Sentinel
Aftermath of Hurricane Mitch, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
2nd prize General News Singles

Michael S.
Williamson, USA, The Washington Post
Washington Babylon
3rd prize People in the News Stories

Harry Borden,
USA, Independent Photographers Group for Observer Magazine, UK
Singer Björk
2nd prize Portraits Singles

Tino Soriano,
Spain, Bilderberg, Germany/Aurora for Paris Match, France
Inauguration of the Musee Imaginaire, Barcelona
1st prize The Arts Singles

Elleringmann, Germany, Bilderberg for Konr@d/Stern Magazine
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Germany
2nd prize Science and Technology Singles

Leeuwenberg, Netherlands, TCS/The Cover Story,
Underwater Babies
2nd prize Science and Technology Stories

Jürgen Freund,
Germany, for Mare Magazine,
Whale Shark Hunting, Philippines
3rd prize Nature and the Environment Stories