

帕诺斯通讯社 Robin Hammond (罗宾•哈蒙德)

强奸,一种战争武器 Rape - A Weapon of War
In the Democratic Republic of Congo as many as 500,000 women and children have been raped in acts of war. Until concrete actions are taken to address the route cause of the conflict and lawlessness, rape will continue to be used as a weapon of war.


     Maombi poses for photos with her child in the Democratic Republic of Congo in June 2010. She was raped by 3 soldiers. To keep her quiet they held a gun to the head of her daughter. When they finished they set her home alight. Maombi survived but her 4 year old daughter did not.

     Vulnerable children and in particular children who've suffered sexual violence pose for photos in the Democratic Republic of Congo in June 2010. Half of the 50 children at the lodge have been raped by armed men.

     这是2010年6月在刚果民主共和国拍摄的14岁的Asma Abdu。她被人用枪指着遭轮奸。
     14-year-old Asma Abdu poses for photos in the Democratic Republic of Congo in June 2010. She said‘that "When I want to cry, one put a gun in my mouth while the other raped me. When the first had finished the other took his turn."

     16-year-old Leonce holds her baby born as a result of rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo in January 2008. The blackboard reads "The family is composed of a father a mother and children. The father is responsible for the family".

     这是2008年1月在刚果民主共和国拍摄的22岁的Basemae Maombi。Basemae Maombi因为认出强奸犯喊出名字被抠掉眼珠。
     22-year-old Basemae Maombi poses for photos in the Democratic Republic of Congo in January 2008. Basemae Maombi's eyes were cut out after recognized one of the men raping her and called out his name in attempt to make him stop.

     Survivors of sexual violence pose for photos at a Caritas drop in centre in Goma, Eastern DRC, June 2010.

     Rachel poses for photos in the Democratic Republic of Congo in June 2010. She and her 14-year-old sister were raped by 8 soldiers. Her sister died 5 days later. Rachel was taken to the soldiers camp and repeatedly raped until she escaped 4 months later.

     这是2010年6月在刚果民主共和国拍摄的Mawazo Luwendo。她外出给孩子们找食物时被士兵打伤腿后强奸。
     Mawazo Luwendo poses for photos in the Democratic Republic of Congo in June 2010. She was shot in the leg and raped by soldiers when she was out looking for food for her children.

     Vumilia poses for photos in the Democratic Republic of Congo in June 2010. Vumilia was gang raped and taken into the forest to an army base. She was raped repeatedly for 6 months. She escaped and gave birth to triplets. 3 months later she was raped again.

     13-year-old Neema and her 3-month-old baby Foraha born as a result of her rape, is seen in hospital in Goma, the Democratic Republic of Congo, January 2008.






(c) 《摄影比赛在中国》 2000-2001 制作