10-04:Workers uses gas cutters to cut down the large ship in
small metal plate in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Dec. 10, 2009.
10-05:Men works in group to carry the heavy metal rope and
took it down the shore to fix it with the ship, which will
be later pulled by the machine near the yard in Chittagong,
Bangladesh, Dec. 10, 2009. 2009年12月10日,工人在孟加拉国吉大港的拆船厂工作。
10-06:A workers leg is muddle with clay, burned oil and
other substances. 踩在泥巴、油中的工人脚。
10-07:Toxic fumes and other poisonous gas are released in
the atmosphere in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Dec. 10, 2009.
10-08:Burned oil is spilled all over the yard which causes
serious threat to the aquatic life in Chittagong,
Bangladesh, Dec. 10, 2009.
10-09:A young worker got wound in his hand while working.
Huge casualties occurs often in these demolishing factory
but the cries of these poor people always remain
10-10:Poisonous Asbestos lie down in the yard all around the
yard causing alarming threat to the environment.有毒的石棉堆到到处都是。