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中药抗击甲流Traditional Chinese Medicine Combating H1N1——吕廷川


A new virus--the HINI virus broke out in Mexico as well as America and rapidly spread to the whole world from ead of March to mid-April of 2009. Chinese medicinal herb with a history of thousand years was approved effective during pre
vention and treatment.State Chinese Medicine Administration Bureau announced Chineses medicine prevention programs for the HINI vius to the whoel country on May 7. Detailed and simple Chinese traditional medicine prescript aimed at different groups with aim to prevent the flu was make out. Chinese medicine for preventing HINI was welcomed by people because of its advantages such good effect, low cost and no drug tolerance. Experts introduced that there were mainly two years of Chinese medicinal herb to prevent and cure HINI: one was to directly exterminate or control virus, the other was to indirectly resist virus by adjusting immune function of human body. Medicine which directly resists virus was mainly antipyretic and antidotal herb such as honeysuckle, radix isatidis, folium isatidis, fructus forsythiae and scutellaria baicalensis. Medicine which indirectly resist virus by improving of the organism includes scutellaria baicalensis and ginseng.Prevention and cure of HINI with herb was specially concerned, more and more citizens come to big Chinese medicine shops to fill a pescription. A few units group purchased thousands of Chinese medicine in one time to hand out to employees. Influenced by these, marmite boiling traditional Chinese medicine sold well. Antipyretic and antidotal herb such as honeysuckle, was getting some props.Power of traditional Chinese medicine has been displayed.Traditional Chinese medicine played an importent role in epidemic disease prevention.2009年3月底至4月中旬,一种新型病毒――甲型H1N1流感病毒在墨西哥、美国爆发,并迅速向全球扩散。经过临床与实验研究证实,有着几千年历史的中药防治甲流疗效显著。5月7日,国家中医药管理局向全国发布了《甲型H1N1流感中医药预防方案》,针对不同人群预防流感开出了详细、简便的中药药方。此后,首个抗击甲流的中药方——金花清感方问世,并进入新药的研发阶段。中药防治甲流病毒主要有两条途径:一是直接灭杀或抑制病毒;二是通过调节人体免疫功能间接抗病毒。直接抗流感病毒的多为清热解毒类中药,如金银花、板蓝根、连翘、黄芩等。通过提高机体免疫力间接抗流感病毒的有黄芪、人参等中药材。12月11日,山东省中医药管理局发布,全省成功对近一千万居民进行了科学、规范的甲型H1N1流感中医药预防干预,人数占到全省人口总数的十分一。包括在中小学、企事业单位和机关等发放中药汤剂等。在此干预下,有关地区和单位均未发生甲流大规模流行。在临床治疗确诊、危重症患者过程中,中药更彰显出威力。在山东甲型H1N1流感医疗救治定点医院山东省胸科医院前期收治的110例甲流确诊患者中,有78例运用了中西医结合治疗,中医药参与率为70.9%。运用中西医结合治疗的患者平均住院日减少了0.7天,临床症状改善所需时间平均减少1天。在山东省胸科医院,纯中药注射液痰热清、血必净等一批中成药和注射液对中西医结合治疗甲流重症患者,降低死亡率发挥着重要的作用。

     01:2009年12月2日,中药店的工作人员连夜加班为某单位调配一千余服预防甲流的中药。December 2th, 2009, apothecaries were working overtime to make up the prescription for a unit.

     02:11月30日,预防甲流的中药方剂热卖,调配药材的工作人员异常繁忙。 November 30, 2009, Herbal Medicine for preventing A/H1N1 flu sold like hot cakes, it's really a busy day to apothecaries.

     03:12月4日,山东省中医院使用先进的煎药设备赶制防治甲流的汤剂。 December 4, 2009, with a view to meeting the demand of the general public, Shandong Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital decocted herbal medicine with advanced equipment pretty hard.

     04:12月16日,一名小学生饮用熬制的中药汤预防甲流。December 16, 2009, a schoolgirl was taking the soup with herbal medicine to against A/H1N1 flu.

     05:12月16日,预防甲流最常用的中药材金银花,每公斤的价格当年翻了四倍。December 16, 2009, the price of honeysuckle, one of the most importent Herbal Medicine for preventing A/H1N1 going up to 280RMB per kilo, it's four times as against this spring.

     06:12月7日,点燃中药艾草熏灸穴位,补气调血能增强人体免疫力,有效抵御甲流December 7, 2009, Moxibustion was a natural way to boost body's defence system and works on preventing A/H1N1.

     07:12月20日,在社区防甲流的活动中,居民免费饮用中药汤剂。 December 20, 2009, medical staff prepared Chinese Medicine for people during prevention program in residential area.

     08:12月22日,山东省甲型H1N1流感定点医院山东胸科医院,使用纯中药注射液痰热清、血必净等对重症患者进行治疗。December 22, 2009, The designated hospital in Shandong of A/HINI treatment, ICU of Shandong Chest Hospital used pure herb injection to treat on Critically Patient.

     09:12月28日,山东胸科医院甲流重症病房,“甲流产妇”姚莉通过中西医结合治疗,痊愈后她走出病房与医护人员道别。December 28, 2009. ICU of Shandong Chest Hospital, puerpera Mrs. Yao, who got A/H1N1 flu, move away from isolation ward and say goodbye to medical Staff, her recovery was ascribable to Western medicine and Chinese medicine combined treatment.

     10:12月20日夜晚,济南街头提着中药回家的市民。December 20, 2009, townsfolk backed home with herbal medicine in hand.





(c) 《摄影比赛在中国》 2000-2001 制作