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金融海啸中的招聘会Job Fair in Financial Crisis——宋荣成


金融海啸中的招聘会Financial Crisis - Job Fair

业生总人数增加22%,而社会对高校毕业生的需求却降低22%。“三个22%”将影响到08到09年毕业生的就业。Optical Valley Gymnasium of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, the job seekers are crowded at the entrance of job fairs and waiting for admission. Wuhan City, Hubei Province, February 20, 2009.According to the National survey, the community has effective demand for college graduates only increasing 22% of new jobs, the total number of college graduates increased by 22%, while the community's demand for college graduates was reduced 22%. “Three 22%" will affect 08-09 year graduate employment.

  10-01:2009年2月20日,湖北省武汉市,武汉华中科技大学光谷体育馆,招聘会入口处挤满了等待入场的求职者。Optical Valley Gymnasium of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, the job seekers are crowded at the entrance of job fairs and waiting for admission. Wuhan City, Hubei Province, February 20, 2009.

     10-02:2009年3月7日,湖北省武汉市,武汉科技会展中心,一名求职者双手合十,祈祷能找到一份好工作。Wuhan Science and Technology Convention and Exhibition Center, a job seeker is praying for finding a good job with folded hands. Wuhan City, Hubei Province, March 7, 2009.

     10-03:湖北省武汉市,武汉科技会展中心,60岁的冯妈妈为女儿来赶招聘会,她的女儿是哈尔滨理工大学的应届硕士毕业生,至今还没有找到合适的工作。Wuhan Science and Technology Convention and Exhibition Center, a 60-year-old women Mrs Feng comes to the job fair for her daughter, her daughter is a fresh master’s degree graduate from Harbin University of Science, she hasn’t find a suitable job yet. Wuhan City, Hubei Province.

     10-04:2009年3月7日,湖北省武汉市,武汉科技会展中心,在招聘会现场,一家单位的展台上挤满了填表格的求职者。Wuhan Science and Technology Convention and Exhibition Center, on the live recruitment fair, the job seekers swarmed the booth of a company. Wuhan City, Hubei Province, March 7, 2009.

     10-05:2009年2月20日,湖北省武汉市,武汉光谷体育馆,招聘会现场挤满了应聘者,一名女生只得趴在隔板上填应聘表格。Wuhan Optical Valley Gymnasium, the job seekers are overcrowded in the job fair, a girl had to lie on the partition to filling the form. Wuhan City, Hubei Province, February 20, 2009.

     10-06:2008年12月6日,湖北省武汉市,武汉科技会展中心,应聘者在接受面试,另一名应聘者在角落里打电话。Wuhan Science and Technology Convention and Exhibition Center, a job seeker is having a interview while the other one is having a call in the corner. Wuhan City, Hubei Province, December 6, 2008.

     10-07:湖北省武汉市,武汉华中师范大学佑铭体育馆,一名应聘者在拥挤的人群中寻找合适的应聘单位。Youming Gymnasium of Wuhan Huazhong Normal University, a job seeker is trying to find a suitable company target from the crowed people. Wuhan City, Hubei Province.

     10-08:湖北省武汉市,武汉华中师范大学佑铭体育馆,招聘会现场等待面试的人群中,一名求职的毕业生茫然地看着天。Youming Gymnasium of Wuhan Huazhong Normal University, crowed people are waiting for the interview in the live recruitment fair, a job seeker is looking in the sky very blankly. Wuhan City, Hubei Province.

     10-09:湖北省武汉市,武汉华中师范大学体育场,两名走累了的学生靠在一起睡着了。The Gymnasium of Wuhan Huazhong Normal University,, two tired students moved closer in together and fell asleep. Wuhan City, Hubei Province.

     10-10:湖北省武汉市,武汉地质大学体育场,招聘会现场人潮涌动,一名学生蹲在空旷处发呆。当日,共有5万多名来自湖北省各大专院校的毕业生进场求职,仅3000人如愿达成就业意向。现场的随机调查显示,近八成大学毕业生因就业难有不同程度的焦虑感。The Gymnasium of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), the live recruitment fair is overcrowded; a student is staying at the empty place and looks in a daze. That day, over 500,000 graduate students come from the entering universities of Hubei Province and trying to find a job, only 3000 people stratified their wishes. According to the random survey showed that nearly 80% graduates have the different level of the sense of anxiety caused by the pressure of getting a job. Wuhan City, Hubei Province.






(c) 《摄影比赛在中国》 2000-2001 制作