那不勒斯-斯康匹亚贫民区Naples - Scampia neighborhood
-塞尔瓦托•埃斯波西托 |
在一个名叫“沙发床”的民居里,一个非法出售枪支的人。Naples 2009 - Scampia neighborhood - Inside
one of the housing blocks known as "Le Vele" a
pusher with his gun.
10-02: 斯康匹亚贫民区建筑一景“帆”。Naples 2008-
Scampia neighborhood- View of the neighborhood and its "Sails".
2008- Scampia neighborhood- Inside one of the housing blocks
known as "Le Vele", or "Sails" because of their shape- After
showering, a boy gets dressed in his bedroom before going out.
10-04:在建筑“帆”外,一名注射海洛因的男子。Naples 2008. Scampia neighborhood.
A drug addict injecting cocaine outside "The Sails".
10-05:在斯康匹亚贫民区一处民居“帆”内,两名吸毒者在共用一只注射器吸毒后相互亲吻。Naples, 2008
- Scampia neighborhood - Inside one of the housing
blocks known as Sails because of their shape - Two
addicts kissing after they shot drugs with the same
2008- Scampia neighborhood- Inside one of the
housing blocks known as "Le Vele", or "Sails"
becouse of their shape- A drug addict before to
shoot a cocaine dose.
10-07:在非法出售枪支者家中,非法推销者的背影。Naples, 2008 - Scampia
neighborhood - Inside one of the housing blocks
known as , or Sails because of their shape -
Pusher portrayed from behind in his own house。
2008 - Scampia neighborhood - Inside one of
the housing blocks known as , or Sails
because of their shape - Drug addict sick
with Aids shooting a cocaine dose to another
addict. Over the past years, addicts either
prefer cocaine to heroin, or they chose to
mix them (speedball) as it gives a more
exciting effect
10-09:在车库刚注射完毒品的吸毒者。Naples, 2008 -
Scampia neighborhood - Inside one of the
housing blocks known as , or Sails
because of their shape - Drug addict in
the garage after shooting a dose
10-10:游泳的孩子。Naples 2009 - Scampia
neighborhood - Inside one of the
housing blocks known as "Le Vele" a
child in a swimming pool.